Thursday, August 27, 2015

Washi Tape DIY Ideas

Washi tape is basically a lot like masking tape, and comes from Japan. It’s technically made of paper, but is also pretty strong. And it comes in an amazing amount of patterns, colors and geometrics. It sticks well, but doesn’t pull off paint.
Just look at how many beautiful and creative things you can make using washi tape!

The Best DIY Websites for the Home

Friday, July 17, 2015

She Starts Cutting Up A Pair Of Men's Underwear. The End Result? I NEED To Make This!

When briefs have reached their peak, there's no reason to toss them out. Okay, maybe if they're hole-y beyond belief. But if you have a perfectly good pair that has seen better days, you can give it a whole new life with this simple DIY. The best part? No sewing required!
What is it? Well, it's a sports bra! It might sound weird, but this has to be one of the smarter tricks I've ever seen.